澳大利亚矿业公司矿产资源公司雇用律师事务所对创始人Chris Ellison进行外部逃税调查。 Australian mining company Mineral Resources hires law firm for external tax evasion investigation regarding founder Chris Ellison.
澳大利亚矿业公司矿产资源公司面临涉及其创始人Chris Ellison的逃税指控。 Mineral Resources, an Australian mining company, is facing allegations of tax evasion involving its founder Chris Ellison. 在股票价格下跌25%,相当于24亿美元的损失之后,董事会聘请了Herbert Smith Freehills律师事务所进行外部调查。 Following a 25% drop in share price, equating to a $2.4 billion loss, the board has hired law firm Herbert Smith Freehills to conduct an external investigation. 该公司计划在11月4日前向投资者通报调查结果及其答复的最新情况。 The company plans to update investors on the investigation's findings and its response by November 4.