在奥兰治退役军人俱乐部(Orange Ex-Services Club),可再生能源辩论的关键人物在抗议活动中讨论了新南威尔士州的区域问题,新南威尔士州州长明斯谈到了麦克菲拉米斯金矿项目的未来。 At the Orange Ex-Services Club, key figures in the renewable energy debate discussed regional New South Wales issues amidst protests, with NSW Premier Minns addressing the McPhillamys Gold Mine project's future.
在奥兰治退役军人俱乐部(Orange Ex-Services Club),包括联邦议员巴纳比·乔伊斯(Barnaby Joyce)、新南威尔士州州长克里斯·明斯(Chris Minns)和瑞吉斯资源公司(Regis Resources)董事总经理吉姆·拜尔(Jim Beyer)在内的可再生能源辩论的关键人物,在俱乐部外反对可再生能源的抗议活动中,参与了关于新南威尔士州区域问题的讨论。 At the Orange Ex-Services Club, key figures in the renewable energy debate, including Federal member Barnaby Joyce, NSW Premier Chris Minns, and managing director of Regis Resources Jim Beyer, participated in discussions on regional New South Wales issues amidst protests against renewable energy outside the club. 矿业巨头Gina Rinehart鼓励澳大利亚人钻探资源,而新南威尔士州总理明斯则谈到受到土著遗产保护令影响的McPhillomys金矿项目的未来。 Mining mogul Gina Rinehart encouraged Australians to drill for resources, while NSW Premier Minns addressed the future of the McPhillamys Gold Mine project, impacted by an Indigenous heritage protection order. Regis Resources报告说,由于这一决定,损失了大笔资金。 Regis Resources reported a significant financial loss due to this decision.