塞尔维亚官员,包括一名前部长,因致命的火车站倒塌(造成15人死亡)被起诉。 Serbian officials, including a former minister, indicted over deadly train station collapse that killed 15.
塞尔维亚人因致命的火车站倒塌而被起诉。 Serbians indicted over deadly train station collapse. 塞尔维亚检察官指控13人,包括前运输部长戈兰·维西奇(Goran Vesic),涉及诺维萨德火车站屋顶倒塌,造成15人死亡。 Serbian prosecutors charged 13 people, including former Transport Minister Goran Vesic, in connection with a Novi Sad train station roof collapse that killed 15. 起诉书指控他们犯有严重危害公共安全和恶劣建筑工程的行为,可能与腐败有关。 The indictment accuses them of committing grave acts against public safety and poor construction work, potentially linked to corruption. Aleksandar Vucic总统的政府受到广泛抗议与挑战。 The case sparked widespread protests and challenges to President Aleksandar Vucic's government.