塞尔维亚总统武契奇(Vučić)在因屋顶倒塌而引发的抗议中发誓要继续掌权。 Serbian President Vučić vows to stay in power amid protests over a deadly roof collapse.
塞尔维亚总统阿列克桑达尔·武契奇发誓要继续掌权,而不是像叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德那样逃跑,尽管诺维萨德火车站屋顶倒塌造成15人死亡,引发越来越多的抗议活动。 Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić vowed to stay in power and not flee like Syrian President Bashar Assad, despite growing protests sparked by a rail station roof collapse in Novi Sad that killed 15 people. Vučić指控外国情报部门密谋推翻他,并声称抗议活动是由西方国家资助的,目的是破坏他的政府的稳定。 Vučić accused foreign intelligence services of plotting to unseat him and claimed the protests were financed by Western nations to destabilize his government. 他计划在塞尔维亚寻求加入欧盟的同时揭露抗议背后的资金来源, 并与俄罗斯和中国保持联系。 He plans to expose the funding sources behind the protests while Serbia seeks EU membership, maintaining ties with Russia and China. 一部与俄罗斯的“外国代理人”法相类似的新法律可能会影响到民间社会团体。 A new law similar to Russia's "foreign agents" law could impact civil society groups.