塞尔维亚抗议者要求追究火车站屋顶倒塌导致14人死亡的问责责任。 Serbian protesters demand accountability over railway station roof collapse that killed 14.
塞尔维亚的抗议者在Novi Sad和贝尔格莱德举行大规模无声示威, 要求追究11月1日Novi Sad铁路屋顶倒塌事件的责任, Protesters in Serbia have held large silent demonstrations in Novi Sad and Belgrade, demanding accountability for the November 1 railway roof collapse in Novi Sad that killed 14 people. 批评者将这次事故归咎于腐败,因为最近翻修了60年的大楼,并由高级官员宣布启用。 Critics blame corruption for the accident, as the 60-year-old building had been renovated recently and inaugurated by top officials. 尽管有进行彻底调查和建筑部长辞职的承诺,但没有逮捕任何人,这助长了公众的怀疑。 Despite promises of a thorough investigation and the resignation of the construction minister, no arrests have been made, fueling public skepticism.