塞尔维亚示威者封锁了15分钟,要求为Novi Sad铁路倒塌的15名受害者伸张正义。 Serbian protesters blockaded for 15 minutes, demanding justice for 15 victims of a Novi Sad railway collapse.
塞尔维亚抗议群众于11月29日封锁15分钟, 要求为11月1日诺维萨德火车站屋顶倒塌的15名受害者伸张正义。 Protesters in Serbia held a 15-minute blockade on November 29 to demand justice for the 15 victims of a Novi Sad railway station roof collapse on November 1. 这场倒塌引起了对建筑业腐败的担忧,每天引发抗议和封锁。 The collapse, which raised concerns about corruption in construction, has sparked daily protests and blockades. 在13人被捕时,前建筑部长戈兰·维西奇获释,助长了对调查的怀疑。 While 13 people were arrested, the release of former construction minister Goran Vesic has fueled skepticism about the investigation. 反对党呼吁总理辞职, 在涉及中国公司的基础设施项目中保持透明。 Opposition parties call for the prime minister's resignation and transparency in infrastructure projects involving Chinese companies.