一名来自Dubbo的男子因家庭暴力袭击被判处6个月的社区惩戒。 A man from Dubbo was sentenced to six months of community corrections for a domestic violence assault.
一名来自Dubbo的37岁男子在以家庭暴力罪名对普通袭击认罪后被判处六个月的社区教养。 A 37-year-old man from Dubbo was sentenced to six months of community corrections after pleading guilty to common assault with domestic violence charges. 该事件发生在2024年10月17日,当时有人为购买香烟而争论,导致他将他的伴侣推向出口。 The incident occurred on October 17, 2024, when an argument over cigarette purchases led him to push his partner towards the exit. 受害者头部受伤并报警。 The victim sustained a head injury and called the police. 由土著法律服务处代表的男子单独生活,以确保受害人的安全。 The man, represented by the Aboriginal Legal Service, lives separately to ensure the victim's safety.