在情人节在澳洲奥兰治(Orange)发生的一起刺杀事件后,两名男子受到指控。 Two men were charged following a stabbing incident in Orange, Australia, on Valentine's Day.
2月14日在澳大利亚奥兰治发生的一起刺伤事件导致两名男子被起诉。 A stabbing incident in Orange, Australia, on February 14 led to two men being charged. 两人均被发现在阿尔戈纳新月的一所家中受伤,并被送往医院。 Both were found injured at a home on Algona Crescent and taken to the hospital. 一个22岁的妇女毫发无损。 A 22-year-old woman was unharmed. 这名20岁的人被控严重越狱和闯入、殴打和违反AVO,拒绝保释,将于2月18日出庭。 The 20-year-old was charged with aggravated break and enter, assault, and violating an AVO, denied bail, and will appear in court on February 18. 这名19岁少年被控伤人,意图造成严重身体伤害,获得有条件保释,并将于4月17日出庭。 The 19-year-old was charged with wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm, granted conditional bail, and will appear in court on April 17.