澳大利亚少年Tyler Gibson因违反家庭暴力令被判处18个月监禁。 Australian teen Tyler Gibson sentenced to 18 months for breaching a domestic violence order.
Tyler Gibson, 18岁,来自澳大利亚阿米达尔,因违反家庭暴力令被判处18个月的社区惩戒令。 Tyler Gibson, an 18-year-old from Armidale, Australia, was sentenced to an 18-month community corrections order for breaching a domestic violence order. Gibson在受害者家中被发现躲在床垫底下,如果回到法庭,他将面临监狱。 Found hiding under a mattress at his victim's home, Gibson faces jail if he returns to court. 地方法官考虑到他的心理健康问题和护理历史,建议他得到新南威尔士州社区和司法部的支持。 The magistrate took into account his mental health issues and history in care, suggesting he receives support from the NSW Department of Communities and Justice.