31岁的都柏林男子因袭击怀孕的前伴侣而被判处2.5年监禁,在其子女见证下被停职6个月。 31-year-old Dublin man receives 2.5-year prison sentence for assaulting pregnant ex-partner, with 6 months suspended, witnessed by their children.
都柏林的一名31岁男子因在2020年圣诞节前夕袭击其怀孕的前伴侣而被判处两年三个月的徒刑,最后六个月在缓刑监督下暂停执行。 A 31-year-old man in Dublin received a two-year and three-month prison sentence for assaulting his pregnant ex-partner on Christmas Eve 2020, with the last six months suspended under probation supervision. 法官将两人的两名子女目睹的这次攻击描述为“可以想象的”,法官指出了此人滥用药物的历史和先前的定罪情况。 The attack, witnessed by their two children, was described as "reprehensible" by the judge, who noted the man's history of substance abuse and previous convictions. 在判决中承认了他的认罪和为改变他的努力。 His guilty plea and efforts to change were acknowledged in the sentencing.