由于圣诞节诊所短缺,爱尔兰的血液服务紧急寻求10,000名捐助者。 Irish blood service urgently seeks 10,000 donors due to Christmas clinic shortages.
爱尔兰输血服务(IBTS)紧急呼吁在圣诞节期间提供10 000名献血者,以维持医院的运作。 The Irish Blood Transfusion Service (IBTS) urgently appeals for 10,000 blood donors during the Christmas period to maintain hospital operations. 由于假日安排,损失了45个诊所,正在组织更多的星期日诊所进行补偿。 Due to the holiday schedule, 45 clinics have been lost, and additional Sunday clinics are being organized to compensate. IBTS业务主任Paul McKinney呼吁公众捐血, 强调需要支持医院并拯救生命。 Paul McKinney, IBTS Operations Director, calls on the public to donate blood, emphasizing the need to support hospitals and save lives.