红十字会在Green Bay和麦迪逊举办节日献血活动,目标是O型血和血小板。 Red Cross hosts holiday blood drives in Green Bay and Madison, aiming for type O blood and platelets.
美国红十字会在圣诞节前夕和拳击日举办了第19届年度绿色湾冬季假日鲜血驱动活动,目的是捐赠O型血和小板。 The American Red Cross held its 19th Annual Green Bay Winter Holiday Blood Drive on Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, aiming for type O blood and platelet donations. 自这项运动开始以来,已募集了2 400多笔捐款。 Over 2,400 donations have been collected since the drive's inception. 这次活动在圣约翰浸礼会学校和Ashwalubunon社区中心举行,步行入住得到接受,但更愿意预约。 The event took place at St. John Baptist School and the Ashwaubenon Community Center, with walk-ins accepted but appointments preferred. 在麦迪逊,第39届每年一度的 " 假日献血运动 " 也举行,成为许多捐助者的节日传统。 In Madison, the 39th annual Holiday Blood Drive also took place, becoming a holiday tradition for many donors.