由于飓风黛比取消了 60 次献血活动,美国红十字会面临全国血液供应减少 25% 的问题。 American Red Cross faces a 25% national blood supply decrease due to Hurricane Debby canceling 60 blood drives.
美国红十字会正面临全国性的血液短缺,这是由包括飓风黛比在内的极端天气引发的,飓风黛比取消了美国各地近 60 次献血活动,导致仅在 7 月份的全国血液供应就减少了 25%。 The American Red Cross is facing a national blood shortage, prompted by extreme weather including Hurricane Debby which canceled nearly 60 blood drives across the U.S. leading to a 25% decrease in the national blood supply in July alone. 红十字会现在向8月31日前捐血者提供20美元亚马逊礼卡,9月1日至15日捐赠专用红十字T恤。 The Red Cross is now offering a $20 Amazon gift card to those who donate blood by 31 August and an exclusive Red Cross T-shirt for donations between 1st and 15th September.