印度调查越南进口商品的潜在关税,以保护当地的碳酸钙填料工业。 India investigates potential duties on Vietnamese imports to protect local Calcium Carbonate Filler industry.
印度已开始进行反补贴税调查,调查因当地制造商投诉而增加的从越南进口碳酸钙填充器包装袋的进口量。 India has started a countervailing duty investigation into increased imports of Calcium Carbonate Filler Masterbatch from Vietnam, following complaints from local manufacturers. 这些国内生产者声称进口受到补贴,并损害其工业。 These domestic producers claim the imports are subsidized and harming their industry. 贸易补救总局(DGTR)的调查旨在保护国内制造商,可能要求他们承担义务,抵制来自越南的不公平贸易补贴。 The investigation by the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) aims to protect domestic manufacturers by potentially imposing a duty to counter unfair trade subsidies from Vietnam.