印度调查欧盟和日本的聚氯乙烯树脂进口,并列举了对当地工业的潜在危害。 India investigates EU and Japan's PVC resin imports, citing potential harm to local industry.
印度在Chemplast Sanmar有限公司提出申诉后,对从欧盟和日本进口的聚氯乙烯糊状树脂进行了调查。 India has launched an investigation into PVC paste resin imports from the EU and Japan, following a complaint by Chemplast Sanmar Ltd. 该公司称,这些廉价进口品正在损害当地工业。 The company claims that these cheap imports are hurting the local industry. 如果贸易补救总局(DGTR)认为这些进口已造成物质损害,可建议征收反倾销税,以保护国内生产商。 If the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) finds that these imports have caused material injury, it may recommend anti-dumping duties to protect domestic producers. 在此之前,印度对包括中国在内的其他国家采取了类似行动,以根据世贸组织规则打击廉价进口品。 This follows similar actions India has taken against other countries, including China, to counter cheap imports under WTO rules.