古巴限制小企业的进口和批发贸易,迫使许多企业关闭或改变业务。 Cuba restricts small businesses' imports and wholesale trade, forcing many to close or change operations.
古巴政府正在加紧对中小型企业的控制,迫使它们通过国有公司进口货物,限制了它们的经济独立。 Cuba's government is tightening its control over small and medium-sized businesses (MIPYMEs) by forcing them to import goods through state-owned companies, limiting their economic independence. 政府还禁止这些企业的批发贸易,要求它们要么改变经营活动,要么面临吊销执照。 The government is also banning wholesale trade for these businesses, requiring them to either change their business activities or face license cancellation. 这一行动是将MIPYMEs纳入国民经济计划的更广泛努力的一部分,导致许多企业关闭,古巴人的食物选择减少。 This move is part of a broader effort to incorporate MIPYMEs into the national economic plan, leading to the shutdown of many businesses and a reduction in food options for Cubans.