从配给书到配给生活:古巴的经济斗争。 From ration books to rationed lives: Cuba's economic struggle.
古巴于 1963 年推出的“libreta”配给簿系统此前曾在冷战期间确保了数百万人的粮食安全。 Cuba's "libreta" ration book system, launched in 1963, previously ensured food security for millions during the Cold War. 如今,经济危机减少了粮食配给供应,导致那些没有逃往美国或欧洲等国家的人陷入困境。 Today, an economic crisis has reduced rationed food supply, leading to hardship for those who do not flee to countries like US or Europe. 由于私人市场的价格与国际市场相似,许多古巴人正在努力适应该国新的、更加不平等的状态。 Many Cubans struggle to adapt to the country's new, more unequal state as private markets emerge with prices similar to the international market.