委内瑞拉反对派成员在加拉加斯的阿根廷大使馆寻求避难, Venezuelan opposition members seek refuge at Argentine embassy in Caracas, trapped by power outages.
委内瑞拉反对派成员,包括顾问马加利·梅达(Magalli Meda),为避免被捕,目前仍住在阿根廷驻加拉加斯的外交官邸,并称由于持续的停电,该馆是一座“监狱”。 Venezuelan opposition members, including adviser Magalli Meda, are staying at the Argentine diplomatic residence in Caracas to avoid arrest and have described it as a "prison" due to ongoing power outages. 委内瑞拉政府声称该权力因不付款而被切断,而反对派则认为这侵犯了他们的人权。 The Venezuelan government claims the power was cut due to non-payment, while the opposition argues it violates their human rights. 这种情况使委内瑞拉和阿根廷之间的外交紧张局势升级。 This situation has escalated diplomatic tensions between Venezuela and Argentina.