阿根廷谴责委内瑞拉拘留其军官,加剧各国之间的紧张局势。 Argentina condemns Venezuela for detaining its officer, escalating tensions between the nations.
阿根廷谴责委内瑞拉任意拘留其一名警官Nahuel Agustin Gallo,他当时正在探亲。 Argentina has condemned Venezuela over the arbitrary detention of one of its Gendarmeria officers, Nahuel Agustin Gallo, who was visiting family. 阿根廷要求立即释放他,声称对他的拘留侵犯了他的权利。 Argentina demands his immediate release, claiming his detention violates his rights. 这一事件使两国之间的紧张局势升级,阿根廷在加拉加斯大使馆包围委内瑞拉反对派人士,使两国关系紧张。 This incident has escalated tensions between the two countries, already strained by Argentina hosting Venezuelan opposition figures under siege conditions in its Caracas embassy.