阿联酋支持土耳其为结束苏丹危机、推动和平和立即停火所作的努力。 UAE supports Turkey's efforts to end Sudan crisis, pushing for peace and immediate ceasefire.
阿联酋支持土耳其为解决苏丹危机所作的外交努力,强调要注重和平与稳定。 The UAE has backed Turkey's diplomatic efforts to resolve the Sudan crisis, emphasizing a focus on peace and stability. 它支持立即停火,满足人道主义需求,并尊重《吉达宣言》和ALPS集团的机制。 It supports an immediate ceasefire, addressing humanitarian needs, and respecting the Jeddah Declaration and ALPS Group mechanisms. 阿联酋正在与所有各方合作,促进和平以及苏丹内部促进发展与安全的对话。 The UAE is working with all parties to facilitate peace and an intra-Sudanese dialogue for development and security.