阿联酋谴责苏丹对其驻喀土穆大使官邸的军事攻击,要求追究责任。 UAE condemns Sudanese military attack on its ambassador's residence in Khartoum, demanding accountability.
阿拉伯联合酋长国(阿联酋)谴责苏丹军用飞机袭击其驻喀土穆大使官邸,造成重大破坏。 The United Arab Emirates (UAE) condemned a Sudanese military aircraft attack on its ambassador's residence in Khartoum, causing significant damage. 阿联酋外交部称该行为为“严重”行为,要求追究责任,称其违反了外交保护。 The UAE's Foreign Ministry called the act "heinous" and demanded accountability, stating it violates diplomatic protections. 阿联酋计划向阿拉伯国家联盟、非洲联盟和联合国报告这一事件。 The UAE plans to address the incident to the League of Arab States, African Union, and United Nations. 随着苏丹指责阿联酋支持当前冲突中的反叛部队,紧张局势可能会加剧。 Tensions may rise as Sudan accuses the UAE of supporting rebel forces in the ongoing conflict.