叙利亚新的情报主管计划解散严酷的安全实体,全面改革该国的安全框架。 Syria's new intelligence chief plans to dissolve harsh security entities, overhauling the country's security framework.
叙利亚新任情报主管已宣布计划整顿国家安全机构, 解散阿萨德政权下以严酷战术闻名的现有实体。 Syria's new intelligence chief has announced plans to overhaul the country's security apparatus by dissolving existing entities known for harsh tactics under the Assad regime. 目标是重建服务,更好地服务和保护叙利亚人民,标志着该国安全框架发生重大变化。 The goal is to rebuild the services to better serve and protect the Syrian people, marking a significant shift in the country's security framework. 关于改革时间表和具体细节的详情尚未披露。 Details on the timeline and specifics of the reforms have not been disclosed.