叙利亚驻黎巴嫩大使馆在黎巴嫩移交叙利亚前军官后暂停服务。 Syria's embassy in Lebanon suspends services after Lebanon hands over former Syrian army officers.
在黎巴嫩向叙利亚当局移交叙利亚前军官后,叙利亚驻黎巴嫩大使馆暂停了服务。 Syria's embassy in Lebanon has suspended its services after Lebanon handed over former Syrian army officers to Syrian authorities. 大使馆采取行动的具体原因不明确,但很可能与移交的外交后果有关。 The specific reason for the embassy's action is not clear, but it likely relates to the diplomatic fallout from the handover. 此外,黎巴嫩正在经历大雨,全天都有淋浴和雷雨的100%机会。 Separately, Lebanon is experiencing heavy rain with a 100% chance of showers and thundershowers throughout the day.