Mykel是一只逃离新加坡动物园的黑猩猩猴子,已被重新抓回并送回。 Mykel, a colobus monkey that escaped the Singapore Zoo, has been recaptured and returned.
Mykel, 6个月前从新加坡动物园逃走的黑白小白猴子, 最近在Choa Chu Kang被抓获, 安全返回动物园。 Mykel, a black-and-white colobus monkey that escaped from the Singapore Zoo six months ago, was recently captured in Choa Chu Kang and returned safely to the zoo. Mandail野生生物集团正在审查并强化事故后的安全协议, 这可能受到Mykel社会团体内部变化的影响。 The Mandai Wildlife Group is reviewing and enhancing its safety protocols following the incident, which may have been influenced by changes within Mykel’s social group. 该动物园对周边围栏进行了改造,并为工作人员提供了额外培训,以防止今后发生越狱事件。 The zoo has modified the perimeter fence and provided additional training for staff to prevent future escapes.