前警官因为逃避工作而谎报家庭死亡,因此被开除。 Former police officer guilty of lying about family deaths to avoid work, faces dismissal.
一名前泰晤士河谷警官因在2021年至2023年期间谎报父母死亡和健康状况以获得同情假和避免培训而被判犯有严重不当行为。 A former Thames Valley Police officer was found guilty of gross misconduct for lying about her parents' deaths and health conditions to obtain compassionate leave and avoid training from 2021 to 2023. 小组发现,她的行动,包括对她母亲厌食症和父母双亡的虚假索赔,是蓄意和策划的,相当于“持续的不诚实期”。 The panel found her actions, which included false claims about her mother's anorexia and both parents' deaths, were deliberate and planned, amounting to a "sustained period of dishonesty." 如果仍在就业,她会不经通知被解职。 If still employed, she would have been dismissed without notice.