大曼彻斯特警察督察塔里克·巴特 (Tariq Butt) 因未经授权的世界杯工作和文件访问而被判犯有严重不当行为。 Greater Manchester Police Inspector Tariq Butt found guilty of gross misconduct for unauthorized World Cup work and document access.
大曼彻斯特警察督察Tariq Butt被判犯有严重渎职罪,罪名是休三年无薪职业假,然后未经允许在卡塔尔2022年世界杯上工作。 Greater Manchester Police Inspector Tariq Butt was found guilty of gross misconduct for taking a three-year unpaid career break, then working without permission at the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. 在联合王国访问期间,他查阅了受限制的警察文件,没有透露他的就业情况。 He accessed restricted police documents during a UK visit and failed to disclose his employment. 虽然他已经辞职,但今后不准他从事警察工作。 Although he resigned, he was barred from future police work. 皇家检察署选择不提出刑事指控,强调维持公众对执法的信任的重要性。 The Crown Prosecution Service opted not to pursue criminal charges, emphasizing the importance of maintaining public trust in law enforcement.