英国警方因行为失检而遭解职, 西Mercia发现被禁警员人数翻了三番。 UK police dismissals for misconduct soar, with West Mercia seeing a tripling in barred officers.
West Mercia警察发现,因严重不当行为而被禁止的警官人数大幅增加,去年从5人增至14人。 West Mercia Police saw a significant rise in officers being barred for gross misconduct, from five to 14 in the past year. 这遵循了全国趋势,今年联合王国解雇593人,比去年的394人有所增加。 This follows a national trend, with 593 dismissals in the UK this year, up from 394 last year. 开除的常见原因包括不诚实、滥用信息和违反政策。 Common reasons for dismissal include dishonesty, misuse of information, and policy violations. 全国有74人因性行为不端被解职。 Sexual misconduct led to 74 dismissals nationwide. West Mercia的上司Mo Lansdale强调,部队承诺绝不容忍不可接受的行为。 West Mercia's Superintendent Mo Lansdale emphasized the force's commitment to not tolerating unacceptable behavior.