前莱斯特郡警官Raja Khan因假病在土耳其度假被判犯有严重不当行为。 Former Leicestershire Police officer Raja Khan convicted of gross misconduct for faking sickness to take a vacation in Turkey.
前Leicestershire警官Raja Khan因假报生病在土耳其度假而被认定犯有严重不当行为。 Former Leicestershire Police officer Raja Khan was found guilty of gross misconduct for falsely reporting sick to take a vacation in Turkey. 他于2020年10月5日宣称病,而实际上是在休息日,并让第三方使用他的电子邮件提交病状. He claimed illness on October 5, 2020, while actually on a rest day, and had a third party submit a sick note using his email. 在警察行为独立办公室进行调查后,他于2月辞职,并由于他破坏公众信任的行动而不准警察今后就业。 Following an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), he resigned in February and was barred from future police employment due to his actions undermining public trust.