塔斯马尼亚政府为受断电影响的家庭启动紧急食品赠款基金。 Tasmania's government launches Emergency Food Grant Fund for households affected by power outages.
塔斯马尼亚州政府已启动紧急粮食赠款基金, 援助受大规模断电影响的家庭, 影响超过11,800名客户。 Tasmania's government has launched an Emergency Food Grant Fund to aid households impacted by extensive power outages, affecting over 11,800 customers. 那些没有电力至少72小时的人有资格一次性支付350美元,以帮助支付基本采购费用。 Those without power for at least 72 hours are eligible for a one-time payment of $350 to help cover essential purchases. Jeremy Rockliff总理指出了面临的挑战,包括食品变质。 Premier Jeremy Rockliff noted the challenges faced, including food spoilage. 申请程序可在网上查阅,在Lauenceston为受影响居民提供其他支助选择。 The application process is available online, with additional support options offered in Launceston for affected residents.