保守党议员 Brad Vis 批评联邦对 BC 省弗雷泽河谷洪水和山体滑坡的救灾援助支付缓慢,迄今为止仅支付了 $3.4B 恢复费用的 40%。 Conservative MP Brad Vis criticizes slow payment of federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods and landslides in BC, with only 40% of $3.4B in recovery costs paid so far.
保守党议员 Brad Vis 批评联邦对不列颠哥伦比亚省弗雷泽河谷洪水和山体滑坡的救灾援助支付缓慢,迄今为止仅支付了 34 亿美元恢复费用中的 40%。 Conservative MP Brad Vis criticizes slow payment of federal disaster aid for Fraser Valley floods and landslides in British Columbia, with only 40% of the $3.4 billion needed for recovery costs having been paid so far. 联邦政府的灾难财政援助安排 (DFAA) 计划于 1970 年启动,由联邦政府与各省和地区分担自然灾害的恢复费用。 The federal government's Disaster Financial Assistance Arrangements (DFAA) program, launched in 1970, shares recovery costs between the federal government and provinces and territories for natural disasters. 今年晚些时候的一项计划更新旨在加快援助支付速度并提高基础设施抵御未来灾害的能力。 A program update later this year aims to expedite aid payments and improve infrastructure resilience against future disasters.