由于禽流感和沙门氏菌爆发,今年美国鸡蛋价格猛涨46%。 Egg prices in the U.S. have spiked 46% this year due to avian flu and salmonella outbreaks.
美国的鸡蛋价格暴涨,今年由于禽流感爆发和沙门氏菌爆发而上涨了46%。 Egg prices have surged in the U.S., rising by 46% this year due to avian flu outbreaks and a salmonella outbreak. 仅本月就收割了400多万只母鸡,而目前流行的流感在过去30天中已影响1 300万只鸟类。 Over 4 million hens were culled this month alone, and the ongoing flu has affected 13 million birds in the past 30 days. 假期期间的高需求加剧了短缺,导致价格上涨,并可能限制商店的购买量。 The high demand during the holidays exacerbates the shortage, leading to price increases and potential purchase limits at stores. 家禽农场通常需要四个月时间才能从这种暴发中恢复过来,从而延缓价格的下跌。 Poultry farms typically take four months to recover from such outbreaks, delaying price drops.