由于禽流感疫情减少供应,加利福尼亚州的鸡蛋价格飙升至近每打9美元。 Egg prices in California soar to nearly $9 per dozen due to a bird flu outbreak reducing supply.
由于禽流感爆发和供应减少,加利福尼亚的鸡蛋价格飙升到每12美元近9美元。 Egg prices in California have surged to nearly $9 per dozen due to a bird flu outbreak and reduced supply. 美国农业部报告说,11月鸡蛋产量下降了4%,批发价格上涨55%。 The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that egg production dropped 4% in November, with wholesale prices up 55%. 零售价格仅一个月就上涨了70%,预计短缺将持续到2025年中期。 Retail prices have risen by 70% in just one month, and shortages are expected to last until mid-2025. 疫情影响到Merced州和Stanislaus州280多万只鸟类,导致零售商实行购买限额。 The outbreak has affected over 2.8 million birds in Merced and Stanislaus counties, leading retailers to impose purchase limits.