尽管发生了严重的野火,但2024年森林砍伐率下降,土著对雨林保护的控制增加。 Despite severe wildfires, 2024 saw a drop in deforestation rates and more Indigenous control over rainforest conservation.
2024年,亚马逊雨林面临严重的野火和干旱,这与气候变化和森林砍伐有关,一些火灾被怀疑用于清理土地。 In 2024, the Amazon rainforest faced severe wildfires and drought, linked to climate change and deforestation, with some fires suspected to be set for land clearance. 尽管如此,巴西和哥伦比亚的森林砍伐率有所下降,在联合国生物多样性会议上,各国同意让土著人民在养护努力中有更多的发言权。 Despite this, deforestation rates dropped in Brazil and Colombia, and at the United Nations biodiversity conference, nations agreed to give Indigenous peoples more say in conservation efforts. 然而,非法金矿开采等威胁继续挑战雨林的保护。 However, threats like illegal gold mining continue to challenge the rainforest's preservation.