巴西亚马逊地区的森林砍伐降至9年来的最低水平,下降了30.6%。 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon drops to its lowest level in nine years, falling by 30.6%.
巴西亚马逊地区的森林砍伐在去年下降了30.6%,达到九年来的最低水平,清理面积为6 288平方公里。 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon fell by 30.6% in the past year, reaching its lowest level in nine years, with 6,288 square kilometers cleared. 这一改善是在前政府的政策导致砍伐森林现象增加之后取得的。 This improvement follows the prior government's policies that led to increased deforestation. 尽管取得了这一进展,但由于即将到来的联合国气候谈判和基础设施项目,人们仍对今后的毁林问题感到关切。 Despite this progress, concerns exist over future deforestation due to upcoming UN climate talks and infrastructure projects. 与此同时,巴西的大西洋森林也减少了55%的森林砍伐,这要归功于更严格的执法和监测。 Meanwhile, Brazil's Atlantic Forest also saw a 55% drop in deforestation, thanks to stricter enforcement and monitoring.