记录显示托尼·布莱尔告诉David Trimble 放弃北爱尔兰2002年边界民意调查计划。 Records show Tony Blair told David Trimble to drop 2002 border poll plan in Northern Ireland.
保密记录显示,托尼·布莱尔告诉David Trimble说,2002年北爱尔兰边界民意测验的时间安排是“迷失方向”。 Confidential records reveal that Tony Blair told David Trimble to "get lost" regarding the timing of a border poll in Northern Ireland in 2002. 1998年的《耶稣受难节协议》规定,如果向爱尔兰统一转变,英国有义务举行全民投票。 The Good Friday Agreement of 1998 obliges the UK to call a referendum if there's a shift toward Irish unity. Trimple在议会选举期间进行边界民意测验的计划遭到SDLP和爱尔兰政府的反对, 他们担心这会使该地区两极分化, Trimble's plan to hold a border poll during the Assembly election was opposed by the SDLP and Irish government, who feared it would polarize the region and boost votes for Sinn Fein and the DUP. 由于权力分享机构的崩溃,计划从未实现。 The plan never materialized due to the collapse of power-sharing institutions. 自1998年以来没有进行过边界民意测验。 No border poll has been held since 1998.