马萨诸塞州立法者急于在年终截止日期前向希利总督提交16项法案。 Massachusetts lawmakers rush to submit 16 bills to Governor Healey before year-end deadline.
马萨诸塞州立法者在12月31日立法会议结束前,已向马乌拉·希雷总督提交了16项法案。 Massachusetts lawmakers have submitted 16 bills to Governor Maura Healey before the end of the legislative session on December 31. 这些法案涉及各种问题,例如豁免某些车辆犯罪,重新命名老年人事务执行办公室,以及引入校车摄像机和公共汽车专用车道的措施。 These bills cover various issues like exempting certain vehicle offenses, renaming the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and introducing measures for school bus cameras and bus-only lanes. 如果在最后期限前未能通过,这些法案将到期,需要在1月1日开始的下一届届会上重新提出。 If not passed by the deadline, the bills will expire and need to be reintroduced in the next session starting January 1.