马萨诸塞州众议院准备投票表决一项425M法案, 以收紧紧急避难所的规则。 Massachusetts House prepares to vote on a $425M bill to tighten rules for emergency shelters.
马萨诸塞州众议院将对一项 4.25 亿美元的法案进行投票,该法案将对该州的紧急避难所系统实施更严格的规定。 Massachusetts House is set to vote on a $425 million bill that would impose stricter rules on the state's emergency shelter system. 该法案将把庇护所的最长逗留时间从9个月缩短到6个月,将服务家庭数目限制在4 000个,并要求提供马萨诸塞州居住证明和申请人背景调查。 The bill would shorten the maximum stay in shelters from nine to six months, cap the number of served families at 4,000, and require proof of Massachusetts residency and background checks for applicants. 它还取消了自动获得安置住房的资格。 It also eliminates automatic eligibility for shelter placement.