马萨诸塞州立法者就保健法案达成一致,以规定药品成本上限,并在费用上涨的情况下监管供应商。 Massachusetts lawmakers agree on health care bills to cap drug costs and regulate providers amid rising expenses.
马萨诸塞州立法者已就保健立法达成协议,旨在解决费用上涨和保健机构倒闭的后果问题。 Massachusetts lawmakers have reached an agreement on health care legislation, aiming to address rising costs and the fallout from the Steward Health Care collapse. 这些法案将规定基本药品的自付费用上限,加强对保健提供者的监督,并规范药房福利管理者。 The bills would cap out-of-pocket costs for essential drugs, enhance oversight of health care providers, and regulate pharmacy benefit managers. 两院必须在下星期立法任期结束前对法案进行表决。 Both chambers must vote on the bills next week before the legislative term ends.