马萨诸塞州立法机关因未能通过关于甲烷天然气管道的气候立法而面临批评。 Massachusetts legislature faces criticism for failing to pass climate legislation on methane gas pipelines.
马萨诸塞州立法机构因未能通过气候立法,尤其是关于甲烷气管的立法而面临批评。 Massachusetts legislature faces criticism over failure to pass climate legislation, particularly regarding methane gas pipelines. 包括塞拉俱乐部在内的环境组织敦促立法者迅速采取行动,总督Maura Healey通过强有力的气候法案,将社区的长期健康置于利润驱动产业之上。 Environmental organizations, including the Sierra Club, urge lawmakers to take swift action and Governor Maura Healey to pass a robust climate bill prioritizing communities' long-term health over profit-driven industries. 对关键环境问题不采取行动,导致对立法过程中公司影响不当的失望和关切。 Inaction on key environmental issues leads to disappointment and concerns about undue corporate influence in the legislative process.