洛杉矶消防员在星期四扑灭了四层建筑的大火,疏散无家可归者。 Los Angeles firefighters extinguished a major four-story building fire on Thursday, evacuating homeless individuals.
洛杉矶消防员于星期四上午在S. Hope街的四层空闲大楼中扑灭了一场大火。 Firefighters in Los Angeles extinguished a major fire in a vacant four-story building on S. Hope Street on Thursday morning. 火灾于上午11时左右爆发,大约用了两个小时来控制并涉及100多名消防人员。 The blaze, which broke out around 11 a.m., took about two hours to control and involved over 100 firefighters. 没有人员受伤的报告,但消防员帮助将无家可归的人从大楼中撤离。 No injuries were reported, but firefighters helped evacuate homeless individuals from the building. LAFD正在调查火灾的起因。 The cause of the fire is under investigation by the LAFD.