在东南亚,登革热病例猛增,马来西亚、老挝和孟加拉国报告有数千例新感染和死亡病例。 Dengue cases soar in Southeast Asia, with Malaysia, Laos, and Bangladesh reporting thousands of new infections and deaths.
东南亚的登革热病例急剧上升。 Dengue cases have surged in Southeast Asia. 在马来西亚,病例增至1 407例,据报有两例新死亡。 In Malaysia, cases rose to 1,407 with two new deaths reported. 老挝的病例超过20 000例,11人死亡,大部分在万象。 Laos saw over 20,000 cases and 11 deaths, mostly in Vientiane. 在孟加拉国,今年报告的病例为100 764例,死亡总数为569人,比去年的1 705例显著下降。 In Bangladesh, 100,764 cases and a total of 569 deaths were reported this year, showing a significant drop from 1,705 deaths last year. 卫生官员敦促保持警惕,以控制传播。 Health officials urge vigilance to control the spread.