美洲登革热病例在2024年猛增至1 260万,创历史新高。 Dengue fever cases in the Americas soar to over 12.6 million in 2024, marking a record high.
美洲登革热病例今年创纪录1 260万例, 接近2023年的三倍, 超过7700人死亡, Dengue fever cases in the Americas hit a record 12.6 million this year, nearly triple 2023's numbers, with over 7,700 deaths reported, a 200% increase. 气候变化、人口快速增长和城市规划不善是造成人口激增的罪魁祸首。 Climate change, fast population growth, and poor urban planning are blamed for the surge. 巴西、阿根廷和墨西哥的病例数最高,而加利福尼亚州、佛罗里达州和得克萨斯州则报告了当地传播。 Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico have the highest case counts, while local transmission has been reported in California, Florida, and Texas. 尽管有疫苗供应,但诸如清除停滞水等预防措施仍然至关重要。 Despite vaccine availability, preventive measures like removing stagnant water remain crucial.