格拉斯哥的一条爆裂的水管导致多个社区发生洪水、供水中断和道路封闭。 A burst water main in Glasgow causes flooding, water disruptions, and road closures in several neighborhoods.
格拉斯哥南部一条水道破裂造成G41,G42,G43和G44地区的供水中断和洪水, A burst water main in Glasgow's south side has caused water supply disruptions and flooding in the G41, G42, G43, and G44 areas, affecting neighborhoods like Shawlands and Strathbungo. 包括Pollokshaws Road和Cumberland街部分地区、Elington街和Maxwell车道在内的主要道路因洪水而关闭。 Key roads including Pollokshaws Road and parts of Cumberland Street, Eglington Street, and Maxwell Drive are closed due to flooding. 苏格兰水利工程师和消防队员正在努力解决这一问题。 Scottish Water engineers and fire crews are working to resolve the issue.