多伦多收容所面临难民申请者的假期激增,引发关于系统性种族主义的辩论。 Toronto shelter faces holiday surge in refugee claimants, sparking debate over systemic racism.
多伦多收容所工作人员报告说,对于无家可归的个人,特别是难民申请人来说,假日特别具有挑战性,因为气温较寒冷,孤立感加剧了他们的斗争。 Toronto shelter workers report that the holiday season is particularly challenging for homeless individuals, especially refugee claimants, with colder temperatures and feelings of isolation intensifying their struggles. 该市的庇护系统使难民申请人数大幅增加,从2023年初的2 500多人增加到年底的近4 200人。 The city's shelter system saw a significant increase in refugee claimants, from over 2,500 in early 2023 to nearly 4,200 by the end of the year. 尽管存在这些挑战,收容所还是接待了假日聚会,以培养社区。 Despite these challenges, shelters have hosted holiday parties to foster community. 然而,多伦多的监察员Kwame Addo批评该市决定禁止难民申请基本住所的床位,称其为系统性种族主义,尽管该市的经理不同意调查结果。 However, Toronto's Ombudsman Kwame Addo criticized the city's decision to bar refugee claimants from base shelter beds, labeling it systemic racism, though the city manager did not agree with the findings.