三名联邦法官推迟退休,使特朗普填补法庭空缺的计划复杂化。 Three federal judges delay retirements, complicating Trump's plans to fill court vacancies.
在唐纳德·特朗普当选总统后,民主党任命的三名联邦法官改变了他们的退休计划,阻止特朗普立即填补潜在的空缺。 Following Donald Trump's election as President, three federal judges appointed by Democrats have changed their retirement plans, preventing Trump from immediately filling potential vacancies. 这一举动受到共和党的批评,被视为对联邦法院系统的政治操纵的一部分,因为法官有终身任期。 This move, criticized by Republicans, is seen as part of political maneuvering over the federal court system, where judges have lifetime appointments. 参议院民主党也急忙要确认拜登总统的提名人选,然后共和党占多数的参议院才接管。 Senate Democrats are also rushing to confirm President Biden's nominees before a Republican-majority Senate takes over.