美国参议院一致通过2024年《司法法案》,设立了63个常设法官和3个临时法官。 US Senate unanimously passed JUDGES Act of 2024, creating 63 permanent and 3 temporary judgeships.
美国参议院一致通过了2024年《两党司法法案》,在联邦审判法院设立了63个常设法官和3个临时法官职位,这是1990年代以来国会首次增设地区法院法官职位。 The US Senate unanimously passed the bipartisan JUDGES Act of 2024, creating 63 permanent and 3 temporary judgeships on federal trial courts, the first time since the 1990s that Congress has created additional district court judgeships. 该法案与美国2023年司法大会的建议相一致,旨在解决全国各地的司法紧急情况和司法短缺问题。 The bill, which aligns with recommendations from the 2023 Judicial Conference of the United States, aims to address judicial emergencies and shortages across the country. 现在将由众议院审议。 It will now be considered by the House of Representatives.