Joliet警察对枪击事件作出反应;被捕男子的妹妹在家庭纠纷中被枪杀。 Police in Joliet respond to shooting; sister of arrested man shot in family dispute.
在圣诞节前夕,伊利诺伊州Joliet的警察对枪击事件作出反应,发现一名27岁妇女身上有无生命威胁的枪伤,据信是在家庭纠纷期间发生的。 On Christmas Eve, police in Joliet, Illinois, responded to a shooting where a 27-year-old woman was found with a non-life-threatening gunshot wound, believed to have occurred during a family dispute. Arties Titus, 26岁,因在警方调查期间殴打其姐姐而被捕,并因未以扰乱治安罪出庭受审的现有逮捕令被捕。 Arties Titus, 26, was arrested for punching his sister during the police investigation and for an existing warrant for failing to appear in court on disorderly conduct charges. 枪击受害人可能不是预定目标,后来拒绝与当局进一步合作。 The shooting victim may not have been the intended target and later declined to cooperate further with authorities.