警官在俄亥俄州Middletown的公寓遭到枪击后开枪打死了嫌疑人。 Officer fatally shoots suspect after being met with gunfire at apartment in Middletown, Ohio.
在圣诞节前夕,在俄亥俄州Middletown, 发生了一起致命的枪击事件, 之后军官们回应了 在公寓楼发生战斗的报告。 On Christmas Eve, a fatal shooting occurred in Middletown, Ohio, after officers responded to a report of a fight at an apartment complex. 当警察敲门时,嫌疑人打开门并用枪指着他们,导致警察开枪打死50多岁的一名白人男性嫌疑人。 When officers knocked on the door, the suspect opened it and pointed a gun at them, leading to the officers firing and fatally shooting the suspect, a white male in his 50s. 俄亥俄州刑事调查局正在调查这一事件,涉案官员已被安排行政休假。 The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation is investigating the incident, and the officer involved has been placed on administrative leave.