妇女在 " 快速城市 " 之家中腿部中弹;警察拘留嫌疑人,在附近收缴枪。 Woman shot in leg at her Rapid City home; police detain suspects, recover gun nearby.
2024年12月12日,Rapid City的一位妇女于上午10时左右在E. Watertown街的家中被射中腿部。 On December 12, 2024, a woman in Rapid City was shot in her leg at her home on E. Watertown Street around 10 a.m. 快速市警察局作出反应,提供紧急护理,并将她送往无生命危险伤员的医院。 The Rapid City Police Department responded, providing emergency care and taking her to a hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. 目击者看到人们逃离现场。 Witnesses saw people fleeing the scene. 大约45分钟后,警察在附近一家便利商店拘留了几个人,取回火器。 About 45 minutes later, police detained several individuals at a nearby convenience store, recovering a firearm. 调查表明枪手和受害人互相认识 事件不是随机发生的 The investigation suggests the shooter and victim knew each other, and the incident is not considered random. 当局正在继续调查,预计会进一步更新。 Authorities are continuing to investigate, with further updates expected.