圣诞节当天,警方枪杀了Stephen Scherer,因为他用枪指着他的妻子在Altamonte Springs。 On Christmas Day, police shot Stephen Scherer after he aimed a gun at his wife in Altamonte Springs.
在Altamonte Springs的圣诞日当天,警察回应了关于一名男子Stephen Scherer的电话,他用枪把自己锁在卧室里。 On Christmas Day in Altamonte Springs, police responded to a call about a man, Stephen Scherer, who locked himself in a bedroom with a gun. 尽管警察命令和泰瑟枪企图,Scherer打破了窗户,朝他的家人走去,促使警察在他向妻子举枪时开枪射击。 Despite police commands and a taser attempt, Scherer broke a window and moved toward his family, prompting officers to shoot him when he raised his firearm towards his wife. Scherer住院,被控严重攻击一名执法人员。 Scherer was hospitalized and charged with aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer. 有关官员在进行调查时正在休行政假。 The involved officer is on administrative leave while an investigation is conducted.